Day 135: Cat Nap

When you have a day off, what do you do?

Shopping, cleaning, cooking … running the kids around …. errands you didn’t get to during the week … maybe watching TV?

Is this really rest?

I default to these on Sundays. Some weekends, including this one, I also plan and strategize and schedule and organize for the coming week or month or year, like an offensive coordinator revving up for Sunday afternoon.

Slowing Down

Sure, a little polishing the hardware doesn’t hurt. But the urgency reminds me:

On Sunday, rest.

To rest, maybe it matters less what we do than how we do it.

Noticing. Feeling.

Being there

The tiny noses and tousled hair of very young children in church.

A carpet of small, lance-shaped yellow leaves that parts at the touch of my toe with a sound like rushing water.

The smell of moss on a dank stone wall.

Afternoon sun and CBS Sports soothing an overtired mind and body to let go, to disappear for a little while.

Everything will still be there tomorrow.


Day 136: IgniteWV!


134: Senate Asylum Reform Would Violate Constitution, on Substack