Day 53: Disrupt Your Cold! A Recipe

For about the past month, I had a cold that I just couldn’t kick. The main symptom was gunky post-nasal drip. I tested for COVID a couple times, both negative - but it was a persistent little bugger.

I did my usual cold routine - rest, lots of water, cold medicine when needed to function. But every time I thought I’d kicked it, it would turn right around and kick me right back.

This Sunday, I’d had enough. I decided to go ballistic on this sucker - all natural.

I did a little research. I remembered my grandmother’s remedies. I threw it all down the hatch and waited.

And not for long. I swear, within the first hour of starting this protocol, I noticed some relief. But maybe that’s just psychosomatic, right? I repeated parts of the formula that night and the next morning, stacking one natural cold remedy on top of another.

By Tuesday morning, those stubborn symptoms were almost completely gone.

This was such a remarkable turn-around, I just wanted to share the recipe for anyone out there who’s fighting a losing battle with snot.

Alison’s Cold Virus Ass-Kicking protocol

Here are the things I did (periodically throughout Sunday through Tuesday as available):

  • Raw garlic (chop, wait 10 minutes, then eat)

  • Apple cider vinegar (shots, with a chaser of water)

  • Fresh lemon (the whole lemon - about 1/4 at a time because that’s all I could stand)

  • Chicken soup with homemade bone broth, chard, lots of garlic, and lots of ginger root

  • Fresh juice of kale, lemon, cucumber, and apple

  • White needle tea

  • Zinc supplement

  • At least 1 gallon of water per day

  • Fasting until at least noon (other than the garlic, vinegar, lemon, tea, and water), eat normally in p.m.

Make Like Nancy Reagan and Just Do It

This may not sound like a delicacy, but (1) by this point I didn’t care, (2) some of it was actually delicious (soup, juice, tea), and (3) the rest of it was not actually as bad as it sounded (except the lemon, that sucked - no pun intended).

I’m not sure this will work for other viruses - but I’m sure as heck going to try it from now on. Many practitioners say you have to start these types of home remedies from the onset of symptoms, but my illness was far from new - and it worked great. I plan to keep repeating until I’m confident I’m in the clear - and maybe any time I get to feeling a hint under the weather from now on.



Day 54: What Students Do in WVU Immigration Law Clinic


Day 52: Gait Recognition Biometrics?!?