Alison Peck

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Day 330: Plantiful Kiki

I thought I’d take a day off from having my mind completely blown by the potential and risks of AI and just share a website that I’ve been enjoying this week, Plantiful Kiki.

Kiki Nelson lost almost seventy pounds and recovered from obesity-related health problems by adopting a whole food, plant based diet. Now she writes cookbooks with simple, healthy recipes and raises healthy kids and healthy food with her husband at their Colorado home.

I love this website. The photography and videography of both Kiki and her mountain environment captivated me instantly. I keep going back to her website and Instagram just for the rich, vibrant beauty of the images.

A Fitness Model for the Rest of Us

The fitness industry, which I participated in for several years, wins converts by showing shapely, beautiful people who got that way by eating a lot of meat and not many carbs.

People who eat plants, the rap goes, are skinny and sickly.

Kiki models an alternative. You can attain health and beauty by eating plants, she says and shows. If a formerly obese mother of two, now in her 40s, can do it, why not you?

I love it that the whole food, plant based community emphasizes health, not beauty. But I appreciate Kiki Nelson for showing that that the two don’t have to be in tension.