Alison Peck

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Day 278: The Good Days

Photo by Matt Nelson on Unsplash

In immigration law practice, plenty of days will drive you nuts. Byzantine bureaucracies, ever-changing policies, and seemingly endless waiting — just a typical day at the office.

But some days make you cheer for joy.

Today was one of those days.

Yesterday afternoon and this morning, we learned that clients of the WVU Immigration Law Clinic had obtained outstanding resolutions in their cases, resolving their immigration issues.

Because immigration cases often take years to resolve, we get to know our clients well. We learn about their immigration issues, but also about their families, their backgrounds, their passions, their goals. In nearly every instance, we come to know deeply relatable people who deserve a chance.

On days when we get good news and get to share in the client’s joy and relief, we remember why we slog through the hard days.

Congratulations to our WVU ILC clients and to the clinical law students who helped them achieve their goals!