Day 258: Hey 2Ls: Do a Clinic!
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash
Service of others will change your life, once you begin to serve in a way that feels deeply compelling for you.
For me, serving immigration clients changed my experience of being a lawyer, and that was after 25 years in the legal profession. Even more importantly, that service changed me.
WVU Law Clinics: Many Ways to Serve
This week, rising WVU Law 3Ls apply for law clinics. We will offer seven clinics next year:
Child & Family Advocacy
General Practice
Innocence Project
Land Use & Sustainable Development
Supreme Court
Veterans Advocacy
Students: If you’re worried about balancing clinic and other classes, don’t be. Choose a clinic that serves clients you feel called to serve, and then invest your heart in the work.
Paradoxically, such deep commitment makes it easier to do your work, not harder. There’s no limit to what you can do when you’re motivated by the passion that comes from serving real people using your unique skills and talents.
See you next year in the WVU Clinical Law Program!