Day 255: رمضان مبارک

Twenty-seven months ago, I had the blessing of working alongside Afghan volunteers at the Fort McCoy Legal Clinic as they and their compatriots awaited resettlement in the United States.

I knew it would be rewarding to provide legal counseling to people in those unusual and trying circumstances. I didn’t realize what a joy it would be to get to know the young professionals who came to assist every day with translation, technology, and pretty much anything else we asked for their help with.

One volunteer, Arish, was often particularly helpful — level-headed, quick to learn, strong in English. I found myself asking for Arish’s assistance whenever possible.

That spring, when we had an opportunity to sponsor an AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer in the Immigration Law Clinic, I immediately thought of Arish. Happily, he accepted our offer.

Arish spent a year in Morgantown as our VISTA Volunteer and HouseGuest Extraordinaire. He dramatically improved our ability to serve our clients, both that year and for the future.

Ramadan Mubarak

Almost a year ago, in observance of Eid, Arish and his friends slaughtered a goat (a Muslim tradition honoring their Prophet’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail for God). When Arish moved back to California last summer, he left us with several packages of goat meat in the freezer.

This evening, I made braised goat with garlic and lemon. When Gary got home, we enjoyed a delicious meal. Only then did I remember that last night was the first night of Ramadan.

We have been blessed in so many ways by our Afghan allies and new neighbors.

God Bless America


رمضان مبارک (Blessed Ramadan)


Day 256: Muslim Group Files FOIA Suit against CBP


Day 254: Pivoting Practice