Day 242: The Best Things about February (Really)
February, I love you. Photo by Obi - @pixel8propix on Unsplash
Do you get SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) in February? Even though it’s been a mild winter, months of shorter days have left me feeling a little meh lately.
So, as an antidote, these are a few of my favorite things about February:
SuperBowl Sunday
Running through my neighborhood on crisp, dark mornings
My cat, Artie, curled up on her heating pad next to me
Seeing the sun start to come up earlier
The focused energy I feel as the semester gathers momentum
Snowy Sunday mornings
The orange roses Gary got me for Valentine’s Day
The quiet introspection of the Lenten season
Birthdays of our granddaughter and my cousin
MLB spring training (only 29 days until Opening Day!)
Happy February, everybody!