Day 242: The Best Things about February (Really)

February, I love you. Photo by Obi - @pixel8propix on Unsplash

Do you get SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) in February? Even though it’s been a mild winter, months of shorter days have left me feeling a little meh lately.

So, as an antidote, these are a few of my favorite things about February:

  • SuperBowl Sunday

  • Running through my neighborhood on crisp, dark mornings

  • My cat, Artie, curled up on her heating pad next to me

  • Seeing the sun start to come up earlier

  • The focused energy I feel as the semester gathers momentum

  • Snowy Sunday mornings

  • The orange roses Gary got me for Valentine’s Day

  • The quiet introspection of the Lenten season

  • Birthdays of our granddaughter and my cousin

  • MLB spring training (only 29 days until Opening Day!)

Happy February, everybody!


Day 243: Networking like a Boss


Day 241: TPS and Other Sad Stories