Day 220: Happiness Advantage: We Run!

Just this afternoon, I was telling students how immigration lawyers really need to schedule some social down time. Helping people in a time of great need brings tremendous rewards, but also deep emotional challenges.

When we get stressed, so many of us have the habit of buckling down, working harder — and shutting ourselves off from our social networks. Happiness research suggests that not only does this habit make us less happy, but being less happy makes us less successful. Our instincts lead us in exactly the opposite direction from where we want to go.

Do What I Say, Not What I Do …

Yeah, but I’m not so good about taking my own advice. I take every Sunday off from work, but since I started directing the Immigration Clinic in 2017, I’ve neglected my favorite hobby: running.

I still get out the door a few days a week, but I haven’t taken time to connect with others to run. Those social miles have always had a magically therapeutic effect for me. No matter what may have weighed on me before, after a good run and a good chat, it’s gone.

We Run! Morgantown

I’ve been saying for over a year that I need to change that. Tonight I finally got up and did something about it. I started where I knew I’d find runners: the Monday night group run at Morgantown Running, our local running shop.

Years ago, I knew every runner and every group run in town. I had no idea if the Morgantown running community would still be as vibrant.

Turns out, it’s more vibrant than ever! A group called We Run! Morgantown meets nearly every day of the week, usually at a local coffee shop or restaurant, for a few friendly miles and a few friendly beverages. There’s early mornings, evenings, trails, weekend long runs, all ages and paces, runners and walkers — pretty much something for everyone!

About twenty members came out for the group run tonight, and all welcomed me and other newcomers warmly (as runners usually do). As we started, I fell in with a couple runners and chatted for the four mile out-and-back on the rail trail. After we finished, others in the group asked if I planned to join them at Dunkin’ Donuts at 5:30 tomorrow morning. They had me at “donuts” …

New Year’s Resolution

This year I resolved to run with friends again. I’ll definitely make plans to travel for runs and races with old friends who’ve left Morgantown, but it looks like I’ll have no trouble making new running buddies in 2024.

I still work a lot, and supervising immigration cases demands consistency. But it’s about time I took my own advice and re-committed to my favorite hobby.

Look for me on the roads and trails (and coffee shops!) around town this year!


Day 221: Trump’s Border Mess


Day 219: Giving Up Anxiety for Lent