Day 189: Lawyers as Innovators!

Today I put on the finishing touches on Day 1 of “Entrepreneurship for Lawyers” class, meeting next Wednesday.

Several law schools (like Stanford and Northwestern) have fantastic programs for teaching law students how to represent entrepreneurs, but so far I haven’t found others teaching law students to be entrepreneurs.

Our theory: The legal profession is a business too, and in the AI era, one that is ripe for disruption. How could law students skilled in the entrepreneurship method and mindset deliver legal services in ways never before imagined?

This AIN’T business as usual, and I can’t wait to start!

Things I’ve Never Said About a Reading Assignment Before

In preparation for our first class, I asked student to read the first chapter in this book. Here were the instructions:

DON’T take notes

DON’T make an outline

Read the parts that interest you

Flag other things you might want to read later

Things I’ve Never Gathered for a Class Before

Next, I reached out to a staff member in the law school to collect the materials I’ll need for the first class:

Giant sticky notes

Dozens of colored magic markers

Sharing the Journey

Every week after our Wednesday class, I’ll post an update about what we did, how it went, and what the students and I learned about the practice and method of innovation in the legal profession.

Stay tuned!



Day 190: Writing a Book about “Whiteness,” on Substack


Day 188: The Subtle Art of Crafting a Syllabus