Day 119: Solace

Gary came home this afternoon and we walked over to Madeleine Marie’s, a little corner restaurant near our house in South Park. We’ve taken to strolling over there in our sneakers on weary Friday evenings. The weather’s been mild for October, and Madeleine Marie’s puts a few tables out on the sidewalk. No traffic, no strip malls, no crowds.

And great food. Tonight we polished off flank steak strips, spicy shrimp and crunch fish tacos, and two pieces of tres leches cake. We make a date once a week, a chance to check in, reflect, and connect. To be grateful to each other, to our neighbors, to our Creator. We left feeling eleven times better than we arrived.

Walking home, we met this creature and its companion in our front yard.


Day 120: The Policeman Who Killed Jacob Riis’s Dog, on Substack


Day 118: Staking Out the Radical Center